
Timing is Everything: State Legislative Sessions and Compliance

August 20, 2024
Rebecca Domm

State legislative sessions are key periods when laws are created and debated, but their timing varies widely across states. Some states follow fixed schedules, while others adjust their sessions based on priorities, making it challenging for compliance professionals to stay updated on legal changes. 

For compliance managers, understanding these sessions is crucial. Missing a legislative update can lead to non-compliance, risking fines or legal issues. In this blog, we will cover the role of the legislative sessions, their timing, and how to stay adequately informed for your compliance needs.

The Importance of State Legislative Sessions

State legislative sessions are officially designated periods when legislatures convene to fulfill their lawmaking duties. These sessions, occurring annually or biennially as mandated by each state's constitution and laws, are the primary occasions for drafting, debating, and passing legislation.

Variation in Session Timing Across States

The timing of these sessions varies significantly among states; some follow fixed schedules, while others allow for flexibility, adjusting timelines to accommodate legislative priorities or urgent issues. This variation poses a significant challenge for compliance managers responsible for tracking bills and staying current with statutory changes.

Regular Legislative Sessions

Most states hold "regular sessions" annually, typically starting in January. For example, the New York State Legislature convenes on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in January, while the Texas Legislature meets on the second Tuesday in January of each odd-numbered year. These regular sessions, often constitutionally or statutorily limited to 60 or 90 days, address the bulk of the legislative agenda, including the state budget, policy initiatives, and constituent concerns.

The Role of Special Sessions

Special sessions, called by the governor or, in some states, by the legislature itself, are a vital part of the legislative process. These sessions are convened to address urgent or specific issues outside the regular session period. For instance, in 2024, the Governor of Nebraska called a special session to enact property tax reforms, and the Governor of Colorado plans to convene lawmakers in late August for a similar purpose. The frequent occurrence of special sessions underscores that legislative activity is not confined to regular sessions alone. Compliance professionals should remain vigilant and continue monitoring legislative developments throughout the year.

Recess and Adjournment

The legislature may be in recess or adjourned when not in session. Adjournment marks the formal end of a legislative session, after which no further legislative activity occurs until the next session convenes. Conversely, recess is a temporary break during a session, after which the legislature resumes its work. During adjournment, lawmakers may return to their districts to engage with constituents, prepare for upcoming sessions, or campaign for re-election.

The Interim Period

Between sessions, the legislature is often in an "interim" period, where no formal session is held, but lawmakers may still engage in preparatory activities. Legislative committees may conduct studies, hold hearings, and develop proposals for the upcoming session during this time. This period is crucial for shaping the legislative agenda, as it allows for in-depth analysis of issues requiring more time and expertise than during the regular session.

Why Compliance Professionals Need to Stay Informed

State legislative sessions are structured periods that play a vital role in the lawmaking process at the state level. Whether in session, recess, or adjourned, the legislature's activities during these times significantly impact the state's governance and legal landscape. Understanding the distinctions between these periods and how they fit into the broader legislative calendar is essential for anyone interested in tracking statutory changes.

Streamlining Legislative Tracking with Bill Alerts

Understanding these session patterns is crucial for compliance managers who need to stay updated with legislative changes. To streamline this process and ensure timely tracking of relevant bills, Regology’s Bill Alerts feature offers a valuable solution. By providing real-time notifications on legislative developments, it helps compliance managers navigate the complexities of varying session dates and stay informed about critical updates without the need for constant manual monitoring.

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