
Developed by Compliance Experts for Compliance Professionals

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Applicable Laws Identified on Our Platform
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Regology's mission

Our mission is to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transform regulatory compliance through automation, empowering organizations worldwide to grow and innovate.

Who We Are

Regology was launched in 2017 with the vision of making regulatory compliance worldwide simpler, more effective, and easily adapted to change. Today, our AI-powered regulatory intelligence platform helps organizations across the globe manage their compliance needs in any industry while staying nimble as regulations continue to change and evolve. Here’s how we got here.

Our Founding Story

For seven years, Paul Bruin and Mukund Goenka worked at PwC, implementing regulatory compliance programs for various large financial institutions.

The processes of identifying the regulations applicable to products and functions were so time-consuming and manual – costing financial institutions billions to upkeep – that Paul and Mukund decided to quit PwC and team up with Pavan Bayyapu, who worked at SAP for over a decade, to build Regology.

Meet our Founding Team

Mukund Goenka

Co-founder & CEO

Pavan Bayyapu

Co-founder & CTO

Paul Bruin

Co-founder & CPO

Our Core Values

Our values guide all of our actions and serve as our cultural cornerstones.
We are driven by curiosity and a desire for growth, constantly seeking innovative solutions and exploring fresh ideas in legal, technological, and diverse industry applications.
We support one another, taking pride in our social and environmental responsibility as conscientious individuals.
We uphold honesty in all interactions, whether with customers, colleagues, or within our professional practice.

Regology has raised more than eight million dollars in Series A funding, with lead investor Acme Capital.

Learn What Regology Can Do for You

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