Transforming Compliance with AI

Embrace the Future of Regulatory Compliance

Regology Regulatory Intelligence Platform

Get more visibility and control with Regology. Our industry-agnostic regulatory intelligence platform quickly identifies all applicable regulatory content, monitors incoming changes, and generates obligations, risks, controls, and policies. The Regology platform enables compliance teams to automate manual tasks, anticipate changes in the regulatory landscape, and act effectively to ensure compliance.
Regology provides the industry’s most advanced artificial intelligence (AI), including generative AI, to eliminate manual processes that inundate compliance teams, draining resources and time.


Regology’s comprehensive regulatory change management solution and proprietary Smart Law Library enable compliance teams to track bills, laws, regulations, and agency updates in real-time to anticipate changes that will impact their business.


Enable your team to effectively manage obligations, risks, controls, and policies, ensuring ongoing compliance with the latest laws and regulations. Seamlessly integrate with your existing GRC platforms, reinforcing your ability to act decisively.



Regology provides the industry’s most comprehensive generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) and machine learning to eliminate manual processes that inundate compliance teams.


Regology’s comprehensive regulatory change management solution and proprietary Smart Law Library enable compliance teams to track bills, laws, agency updates, and regulations in real time to anticipate changes that will impact their business.


Enable your team to effectively manage obligations, risks, controls, and policies, ensuring ongoing compliance with the latest laws and regulations. Seamlessly integrate with your existing GRC platforms, reinforcing your ability to act decisively.

With Regology, you can manage the complete cycle of regulatory compliance

Regology’s regulatory intelligence platform enables your team to transform its approach to regulatory compliance, offering a solution that covers every stage.

The Regology Platform

Regulatory Change Management

Our AI-powered approach refines regulatory change management through automated tracking of the latest developments in laws and regulations—so you can forget about spreadsheets. Get a customized Smart Law Library that continuously tracks and updates relevant regulatory content in real time, adding efficiency and precision to your compliance programs.

Compliance Management

With one view for all of your regulatory and compliance items, our AI platform helps you streamline policies, risks, and controls, enabling the implementation and effective testing of compliance programs. We seamlessly integrate with leading GRC partners to keep your operations optimal.

Give regulatory compliance a boost with Reggi!

This latest generative AI model is built on top of Regology, allowing users to ask natural language questions about their regulatory requirements—whether in one jurisdiction or multiple. Get citable, secure answers to a variety of queries about proposed rules and gazettes, legislative progression, the latest laws, agency updates, and more.

Core Benefits of Regology

Maximize your compliance impact and elevate your work quality with streamlined processes, automated regulatory change tracking, and efficient task management. Start reaping the benefits today!

Process Efficiencies

Replace multiple spreadsheets with one platform and automate resource-draining tasks, like manual tracking. Integrate with internal GRC systems and expand easily into new jurisdictions.

Risk & Cost Reduction

Mitigate non-compliance risks, avoid penalties, and reduce reliance on costly consultants. Save billable hours with automation, redirecting efforts of multiple full-time employees doing one job.

Higher Work Quality

Free up your team to spend more time on ahead-of-the-curve work and prioritize proactivity with foresight over hindsight. Enable consistency and transparency with fast reporting.

Easy, Straightforward


1. Set Up a Smart Law Library

You have options! Either choose from our selection of law libraries, each carefully curated to suit specific needs, or import your own. Most companies have their law libraries built out in static databases and spreadsheets; you can quickly upload them into Regology, and the platform will process your law library.

2. Get Direct Access to Regulatory Intelligence

Start receiving timely notifications and alerts to benefit from our regulatory intelligence without delay. Receive custom alerts for final and upcoming changes in your newly set law library, and explore them with your new generative AI assistant, Reggi.

3. Customize What’s Important

Your organization’s needs are unique. Customize the type of alerts you want to receive and who should they be sent to within your organization for proper checks and balances.

4. Expand When Needed

As your business evolves, easily update your Smart Law Library to stay aligned with your growing requirements. Plus, our expert team at Regology is here to assist you every step of the way and ensure your library is properly maintained!

We Serve All Industries

Regology provides the only industry-agnostic regulatory intelligence platform on the market. Unlike the competition, our platform is not restricted to a particular industry vertical. We have significant experience in these key segments:

Introducing Regology platform

Data Sources Worldwide
Countries in Our Global Database of Laws
Applicable Laws Identified on Our Platform

Ready to Learn More?

We would be happy to discuss your regulatory compliance needs. Contact our leading team of experts today.